The Black Panther Animated Series ...Or Motion Comic?
Maybe a little bit of both? Either way, the title kind of sucks. Would they call a Spider-Man project Spider-Man: I Am The Spider-Man? No. It sounds dumb. Rant over.
I tend to hate motion comics as it allows companies to crank out comic adaptations with very little real movement in the characters and action and sub-par voice acting slapped onto it. I'm still asking people when Spider-Woman turned into a Brit. Now, it seems, the Black Panther animated series is seeing the light of day in the states, minus all the fanfare of being the first positive role model for African American children in this medium. Sorry..I guess Cage, Black Falcon, Jon Stewart Green Lantern, Black Lightnting, Firestorm, Steel, Brother Voodoo, Storm, Vixen, War Machine, Blade, Spawn, Shadow Man, Goliath, Static Shock, Bishop, Omega Man, Mace Windu, etc, do not count. Ahhh..the hype machine. It also seems they are now calling it a motion comic, when in all actuality, it probably falls somewhere in between motion comic and full on animated series. Whatever they'd like to call it, it looks like one hell of a ride! Take a look...
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